Friday, December 28, 2012

Testimony, Door of Hope rehabilitation center

My name is Marco Antonio; I am 41 years old and have 2 daughters.   I grew up in a dysfunctional home, my father used drugs and alcohol and eventually died from abusing them; then my mother left home.  At the age of 19 years old I was left alone with my two younger brothers, by this time I was consuming marijuana, thinner, mushrooms and alcohol.  Despite my drug use, I was still able to get a good job working with the government and I got married at 24 years old.  By the age of 30 I was consuming cocaine, I did not have bad intentions, I loved and adored my wife and my children, but my drug addiction led me to do bad things and eventually destroyed my life, my family, and my dreams.  At the age of 36 I was decided to take my life, my wife who studied medicine, was there and brought me back; if it were not for God and her I would not be sharing this testimony today.  Everyone tried to make me see how lucky I was and that I needed to stop consuming, but I was enslaved to the drugs, and began to smoke crack.  Due to my addictions over the years I went from being a happy, hard-working person with dreams to a person who just wanted to die.  So many times I would try to overdose with crack and cocaine, hoping that my heart would just stop.  One of my younger brothers came to me and told me that when  I was ready for help that he would take me to a rehabilitation center that he knew of;  It took me a year to take him up on his offer, but I did and he brought me to the Door of Hope rehab center.  I have been here for almost 6 months now, when I came here I was defeated, frustrated and without hope; but now my life has completely turned around.  I know now that the root of all of my problems was that I did not have God in my heart.  Now I have identity as a son of God; He has filled my heart, Only He could fill the emptiness that I tried to fill for years with drugs and alcohol.   I give thanks to God first, then to my family, and to Rev. Jimmy Hughes and his staff at Door of Hope rehabilitation center.  One of the verses that speaks to my life is in Matthew  22:37-39

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Door of Hope Testimony

My name is George, and I have been in the rehab program at Door of Hope Rehabilitation center, of Free the Oppressed Foundation, for almost 5 months.  I am 46 years old and for about 30 years I have been living a double life.  I was addicted to drugs and pornography.   I became an expert at putting up a façade of success and happiness using deception and lies.  I had degrees, corporate success, a good family name, a pretty wife, pretty children, a pretty house, a nice car, and went on nice vacations.  But like anything else built on lies it comes crashing down.  At the time I am writing this my wife has divorced me, she has threatened to take my children away from me, my oldest daughter thinks I am a looser, my oldest son has become a atheist, the next oldest son is following my footsteps, and my little girl is growing up in fear and anxiety.  I came here with my heart broken, with my soul crying out for mercy.  God has heard my cry, not because I deserve it, but because He is a merciful God.  

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. –Psalms 34:18

Then I realized that my heart was bitter, and I was all torn up inside.  I was so foolish and ignorant- I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.  Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand.  You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.  Whom have I in heaven but you?  I desire you more than anything on earth.   – Psalms 73:21-25

During our darkest days and nights, when we feel abandoned, when it may seem we are all out of options; turn to God, realize that it is through Him alone that we can reach salvation.  I have experienced for the first time who I am, why I am on the earth, and how much God truly loves me.  I cannot adequately state the importance of these three basic tidbits of fundamental wisdom, nor the profound sense of gratitude that comes with learning about them, and how peace fills the person who embraces them.  This is the mysterious nature of God’s blessings.  I am now able by His grace to sow good seed in the lives of my children.
It is only by the grace of God that I am alive and He is helping me change my life.  I am grateful for Rev. Jimmy Hughes and the staff at Door of Hope rehabilitation center for their patience and willingness in helping me in this process that I am in.  


Friday, December 14, 2012

Judith's Graduation

             Judith came to our home for Pregnant teenagers, when she was 14 years old, with her days old little girl.  Judith was abused sexually by her biological father.  When she tried to comit suicide was when it was found out she was pregnant.  she came very depressed, malnourished, and behind in her schooling.  

             Since coming to our home she has improved so much, and has made such a effort to finish her schooling.  Today truely is a great acheivment for her, against all odds with God's help, she has now graduated from highschool!!  We are so proud of her and grateful for what God is doing in her life. 

Right Worship to God

Ecc. 5:1-20

1[a]Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong.
Do not be quick with your mouth,
    do not be hasty in your heart
    to utter anything before God.
God is in heaven
    and you are on earth,
    so let your words be few.
A dream comes when there are many cares,
    and many words mark the speech of a fool.
When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfill it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow.It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it. Do not let your mouth lead you into sin. And do not protest to the temple messenger, “My vow was a mistake.” Why should God be angry at what you say and destroy the work of your hands? Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore fear God.

Worship to God is a very serious matter, the presence of God is a sacred and holy place.  Your worship to God, and your relationship with God will have a influence on every other area of your life.  when you worship wrong or with a insincere heart; or your relationship with God is lacking, the reast of your life will be affected.  To guard yourself against lifes' problems, you need to begin by focusing on sincerely worshiping God. 

When you worship God, draw near to Him, ready to listen to Him instead of speaking.  You should be humbled by God's greatness when you enter his presence, be ready to hear what He has to say through prayer or the teaching of His word.  Do not fall into "formal" or "ritualistic" worship. When you worship be mindful of your thoughts and words you are saying, many times when we worship our minds are elsewhere, we are distracted, or we are mindlessly saying words; this is not true worship.  Worship to God must have substance, be mindful of your words when you worship God!!

"God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" Jn 4:24

"O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth" Ps. 96:9

-Words of Rev. Jimmy Hughes for today

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ecclesiastes 3:12-15

12So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves in our job and all we do as long as we can.(with the Lord)13 And people should eat and drink and enjoythe fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God. 14 And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God’s purpose is that people should fear him. 15 What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again.

In these days it is important to enjoy the simple things of life, to be content with what we have, to enjoy ourselves in our jobs.  Do not get wound up in the things of life that are not important.  Enjoy family, enjoy friends, enjoy time, enjoy what you do, enjoy the fruits of your labor, enjoy the presence of the Lord; Enjoy all these gifts for they are from the Lord!!

-word of the day from Jessica Hughes